- 2018 Reading
- 1. 50 Books Read in 2018
- 2. Favorite Books Read in 2018
- 3. Sparks and Whispers of Wonder: Reading C.S. Lewis in 2018
- 4. Clarity and Worship in the Depths: Reading Jonathan Edwards in 2018
- 5. 24 Comparisons Between C.S. Lewis and Jonathan Edwards
- 6. 10 Thoughts About Reading the Bible in 90 Days
- 7. Next Year: Writing in 2019
2018 Reading
This is a series of seven posts about my 2018 reading journey. It was a year where I read virtually all the works of C.S. Lewis and all the major works of Jonathan Edwards.
- 50 Books Read in 2018
- Favorite Books Read in 2018
- Sparks and Whispers of Wonder: Reading C.S. Lewis in 2018
- Clarity and Worship in the Depths: Reading Jonathan Edwards in 2018
- 24 Comparisons Between C.S. Lewis and Jonathan Edwards
- 10 Thoughts About Reading the Bible in 90 Days
- Next Year: Writing in 2019
1. 50 Books Read in 2018
In 2018 I did not set out to read a certain number of books. My goal was to read the major works of Jonathan Edwards and of C.S. Lewis, with other books scattered throughout. As the year progressed, I stuck with that, but a) I decided to read even more Lewis—finishing virtually all his works—and b) I ended up noting that at my pace, I’d read almost exactly fifty books. So in November, I planned out the rest of the books for the year to end up at fifty even...[READ MORE]
2. Favorite Books Read in 2018

Here are my favorites from 2018 in these various categories: Books that Most Inspired Prayer, Books that Most Inspired Bible Reading, Best Devotional Books, Books that Most Inspired Me to Be a Better Man, Most Interesting Books, Most Convicting Books, Most Life-Changing Books, Best Books About Culture, Most Theology-Impacting Books, Most Practical Ministry-Impacting Books, Most Disappointing Books, Books I Most Disagreed With, Books to Reread Every Few Years, Most Impressive Books...[READ MORE]
3. Sparks and Whispers of Wonder: Reading C.S. Lewis in 2018
Before I list the books I read, I first here want to try to describe what I think makes Lewis unique and why it was just a joy to read him. As noted in the title of this post, the best phrase I could come up with is “sparks and whispers of wonder.” These two nouns, “sparks” and “whispers” summarize much of Lewis’ distinctiveness...[READ MORE]
4. Clarity and Worship in the Depths: Reading Jonathan Edwards in 2018
Before I list and summarize the books I read this year by Edwards below, first I would like to describe why this man of God is so unique and powerful, and what it was like reading him. I took some time thinking about how to succinctly describe his writing and thoughts. The best I could come up with is “clarity and worship in the depths.” This describes Edwards’ writing and preaching....[READ MORE]
5. 24 Comparisons Between C.S. Lewis and Jonathan Edwards
I briefly want to compare and contrast C.S. Lewis and Jonathan Edwards. I read both this year, and enjoyed them almost equally. They had some similar traits, but also were quite different. For the sake of my own ease, I’ll make a bullet list of similarities and differences—twelve of each...[READ MORE]
6. 10 Thoughts About Reading the Bible in 90 Days
Starting in September of this year, I decided to attempt to read the Bible in 90 days. In 2010, for some reason (I don’t remember why) I bought The Bible in 90 Days. It’s an NIV large print Bible that has an introduction and explanation about how to read the Bible in 90 days. In brief, to do so is simply reading 12 pages a day...[READ MORE]
7. Next Year: Writing in 2019
In the past two years by the grace of God I have read 150 books: I read 100 books in 2017; and this year, I was privileged to read Jonathan Edwards’ major works and virtually all of C.S. Lewis. I have taking in much information, therefore, in these past two years. I say this not to brag at all—trust me, I am a slow reader, a pretty poor retainer of information, and, after reading so much, I realize more than ever how incompetently I think compared to others. Instead, I say this because I was struck in November that I want to dwell and dig more on all that I’ve taken in...[READ MORE]
Click here for my 2017 Book series.